Leeds NW School Games Autumn 2021

It’s been a busy autumn term with the School Games returning to face to face events. Schools have been making the most of the opportunities and signing up to everything!

Y10 YCB Cricket Leadership Training, Y4 Cricket at Leeds Mods CC, Y3-6 Cross Country at Wharfe Meadows, Y8 Climbing at The Depot, Y8 Golf with Cookridge Hall GC, Y5/6 Come and Try Netball, Y3/4 Dodgeball at Ralph Thoresby, LSNA U11 Netball league games, Y7/8 This Girls Can delivered by YSF. It has been so lovely to see everyone’s smiling faces enjoying PE and sport, learning new skills and enjoying competition within a friendly nurturing environment. A big thank you to the amazing sports leaders from St Mary’s, PHGS, Ralph Thoresby and Guiseley for supporting the delivery of these events.