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Active Leeds Disability Sports Clubs

SNAPS - support children with additional needs and their families through physiotherapy, leisure services and a supportive environment. Based at Pennyfield and Broomfield SILC

Inclusion Live

  •  There is a series of informative webinars regarding various aspects of inclusion. Follow the link below to access the resources and webinar recordings:

Inclusion Live Week - Youth Sport Trust

The programme is detailed below:

  • Neurodiversity in PE and school sport - Creating inclusive experiences

  • The Paralympics legacy - Embedding inclusive values in school sport

  • - Physical activity for progress - Improving attendance and behaviour

  • - A practitioner’s guide to inclusive physical activity - Resources and recommendations

  • - Move like me - Creating inclusive physical activities for young people with SEND

  • Support from a Lead Inclusion School

Please use this website link to provide feedback to ASK Research on the Inclusion 24 programme. This information helps ASK Research produce a report on the impact of the programme, demonstrating the great work you do around the country. Initially, you will be asked to provide contact details so that the research company can send you a survey to complete.  Please be aware that I have forwarded many emails with information about inclusive practice and opportunities via your SGO.

  • Disney Inspired Shooting Stars SEND - 11.02.25, 2:30-4:30pm

New training has been designed to upskill practitioners on how to use the Marvel Inspired Shooting Stars SEND resources to engage more young people with SEND in football within their school setting. The resources have been developed in consultation with YST Lead Inclusion Schools with the aim of specifically engaging more young people with SEND in physical activity and football. Please sign up for the virtual FREE training using the link: Sign up here.

  • All About Autism

All About Autism E-Learning is now live on the Youth Sport Trust website! You can access the All About Autism E-Learning Course here

  • Diabetes Support

JDRF is a global Type 1 Diabetes charity with a range of resources to support schools, parents and carers, and coaches with delivering physical activity to children with diabetes. Below are a few resources which may be of interest to you:

Football and diabetes resource pack 
Schools pack
Diabetes fact sheet developed in collaboration with the LTA 
Free CPD certified e-learning module for schools 

School Swimming & Water Safety

As part of the Inclusion 2024 programme, the Youth Sport Trust have been working with Swim England to create water safety training designed specifically for people working with pupils with Special Educational Needs and/or disabilities.

Sadly, drowning remains one of the most common causes of accidental death in children aged between 5-14 years and young people with SEND are at higher risk than the general population. Water safety training is designed to increase awareness of the dangers of water and aims to prevent more tragic incidents in the future from occurring.

All the resources related to School Swimming and Water Safety can be found here: School Swimming & Water Safety - Youth Sport Trust

  • Swim England Assessment Tool

As part of the Inclusion 2024 project, Swim England has been working with an organisation called Sporting Insights to produce an online assessment tool for schools and swimming lesson providers.

The aim of the assessment tool is to allow swimming lesson providers and schools opportunity to identify the strengths of their school swimming programme and to recognise any areas of potential development. The assessment tool is an online survey which will take approximately 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

Swim England is requesting the support of the Lead Inclusion Schools to complete the survey and to identify if there are any challenges/areas for improvement; we are anticipating initial teething problems with this tool which we will aim to improve/develop.

The long-term aim is for the survey to be available for all schools and swimming lesson providers, to support schools and lesson providers with future collaborative work and to support with the overall improvement of school swimming. To complete the survey please register here

  • Water Safety School Swimming Charter

If you have not already signed up to this, please do so by following this link:

Registering for the digital School Swimming and Water Safety Charter gives you access to extensive online resources.

These can help and support you to develop a great school swimming experience for the pupils you teach, not just in the pool, but in the classroom too.

This includes access to a member area of the website only available to schools and lesson providers who have signed up to the School Swimming and Water Safety Charter.

It’s a national scheme developed specifically to meet the required outcomes of the national curriculum programme of study for physical education, covering both water safety and learning to swim.

  • Oscar the Otter Water Safety Resource

This is a video about water safety to share with children at your school. Here is the link for the Oscar the Otter resources:

YST Move Like Me SEND activity videos


This Girl Can YouTube video

Ability Not Disability YouTube Channel containing a range of work out videos.

Local Clubs

Please visit the Parasport website to find inclusive sports clubs in your area.

Activity Alliance -Disability Inclusion Sport. Guidance/opportunities/events/resources

CPD, Activities and Resources

YST Covid Recovery Framework for SEND pupils.

Inclusive Health Check

-Quick survey for all schools to assess how inclusive their PE curriculum and extra curricular delivery is. Please complete on your School Games dashboard (scroll to the bottom of the first page).

YST Inclusion CPD Webinar


School Games Inclusive Sports resources

Top Sportsability Website

-Free resources to register use the following code: YSTINCLUSION47


All About Autism - PE document

YST Inclusion Resources

Activity alliance

Boccia England - Rainbow Challenge

Boccia Beach Ball Blast

This video explains how to play the game of Boccia, and introduces various fun games, including the WY School Games competitions.

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