During autumn 2014, primary schools across Leeds have gone wild for indoor athletics competitions organised through School Sport Partnerships, with over a hundred schools taking part across Leeds
The events engage teams of up to thirty children per school, who all participate in a number of field and track races. The format of the competitions creates an electrifying atmosphere with over a hundred children in one sports hall cheering on their team mates. Secondary school Sports Leaders pupils are an integral workforce behind the event coaching, demonstrating and officiating events.
Since the Government Sports Premium funding was distributed to primary schools in September 2013, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of schools entering School Sport Partnership competitions. There has always been a core of committed schools interested in PE and sporting opportunities, but with the funding now in place, more schools are taking up PE and sporting opportunities throughout Leeds.
Competition is valuable for children’s development as those taking part learn key life skills such as teamwork, leadership, discipline and dedication.
Primary Schools go Wild for Athletic [DIOCESEOFLEEDS.ORG.UK]
Success for School Sports Competition [ILKLEY GAZETTE]